ANCE has contributed the following in the area of socio-economic development:
Eco-information: private or small group knowledge acquisition sessions about nature and cultural riches of the country.
Pharmacopoeia and healing:
Active involvement in Environmental conservation ventures via information campaigns and related projects. For example, in July 2001 and July 2000, children and teenagers staying at Festi-Village Ebando (participants aging between 10 to 27 years of age) took part in forest pharmacopoeia training.

In 2003, training was extended to include a wider diversity of habitats such as lakes and forests around Lambarene and later in 2004 in savannas and the forests of Gisira region (Mandji). ANCE also focuses on promoting and providing training for environmentally supportive traditional Nature and Human resource management and conservation.
Cultural events: Performances of local music with a universal aspect are ongoing and actively encouraged. The organization seeks to promote the recording of modern and traditional groups, that use such instruments as the ancestral drum with a saxophone, electric guitar, sacred harp.
Langon Festival in 1998 and 2001: 3 audio CDs are available of recordings made of traditional and modern music performed by 2 musicians from the ANCE. These include recitals of the mouth harp (male rite) by Kassy Minanga; and harp with 8 strings (female rite) by Ndonguy, the current president of the organization
2002 - 2003 - 2004 : Preparing the FIRST INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL of STRINGS MUSICS took time . Going around the country to find out the right musicians was the first step.
Then, make them work together for 2 months. Solo instrumentists playing in between themselves was a great experience ! Then the Festival came from the1 st of april to the 12 th, 2004. Guests and local artists were on their best by that time ! A film and a music CD will come after that.
EBANDO received £ 10 000 subvention by U.E for organising the Gabonese side of the event.
This Festival was very successful and we want to repeat this experience every THREE years.
. November 2003 : We led a DICOVERY TV crew to film daily and ritual lif of Baka Pygmees in the north of Gabon.
. February 2004 : We organised the leading for one month among Babongo Pygmees of a BBC team.
. June 2004 : NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TV has spent six days in our Festi-Village to film initiation of two Gabonese persons.
. July 2004 : we were guiding Two Utrecht university students, so they could make a film about IBOGA 'S THERAPY in the TSOGHO ethny .
. August and September 2004 : Going around the whole country (5200 km.), to meet villages' people, film some of their wonderful cultures and understand how NATIONAL NATURAL PARKS could help them to live better . This was organised financially by WCS Gabon
. 2005 à 2011 : 111 IBOGA personal initiations of different persons (North/CENTER/SOUTH Americans - Africans - West/east/south/north Europeans -2 Australians - 1 Asian)
SEE : Witnesses' evidences on this site